Tag: 403b

IMHO: “Conversation” Starters

There’s been a lot of talk coming from Washington of late about the need to have “an adult conversation” with the American people. 

ASPPA Requests Audit Relief for 403(b)s

ASPPA and a group of 403(b) plan professionals have renewed their appeal to the government for additional relief for 403(b) sponsors struggling to meet new compliance requirements of...

403(b) Plans Overcoming Obstacles

A snapshot of 403(b) plan sponsors by the Profit Sharing/401k Council of America (PSCA) finds employers and employees are staying the course in the face of a difficult...

CPI Adds VALIC Fixed Interest Option

CPI Qualified Plan Consultants, a third-party recordkeeping and administration company, announced the addition of a third fixed-interest option from VALIC to the CPI platform.

MassMutual Issues White Paper on 403(b) Regulations

MassMutual's Retirement Services Division published a white paper on the latest 403(b) regulations and the impact on fiduciary duties, including Form 5500 reporting/audit requirements and Internal Revenue Service...