Henderson Issues Unconstrained Bond Fund

Henderson Global Investors launched the Henderson Unconstrained Bond Fund, a mutual fund that provides investors with a dynamic approach to fixed-income investing.

The fund’s active management strategy uses a benchmark-agnostic, unconstrained approach to provide flexibility and access to investments across global fixed-income sectors. Managers also favor a wide portfolio duration range to allow the fund to respond effectively during various interest rate environments, according to a statement from Henderson. 

The firm has managed similar products in the UK and Europe since 2006.

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The fund follows a portfolio-building process that includes top-down asset allocation supported by the Investment Strategy Group—a team of nine senior fixed-income specialists. The team also leverages fixed-income experts in a bottom-up, “best ideas” approach to security selection.

“Ever-changing market conditions require a more active approach to bond investing and a strong commitment to mitigating risk,” says Chuck Thompson, director of U.S. retail for Henderson. “The Unconstrained Bond Fund will navigate across fixed income markets with the ability to take views on interest rates, credit and loans while seeking to protect client capital.

More information on the fund and Henderson Global Investors is available here.  
