Tag: CRM software

Providers Planning for Adviser Consolidation

Firms across the financial services spectrum are adapting to increased adviser teaming and the growing importance of partnership approaches to financial advice and institutional investment consulting.

SEC Reports on Adviser Cyber-Risk Readiness

A Securities and Exchange Commission review of the financial services industry’s cybersecurity preparedness shows the vast majority of examined broker/dealers and advisers have adopted written information security policies.

Schwab Outlines New OpenView Integrations

Schwab Intelligent Technologies signed agreements with Orion Advisor Services and Redtail Technology to establish additional technology integrations benefiting registered investment advisers.

TD Ameritrade Rolls Out Adviser Platform

Veo One, TD Ameritrade’s adviser platform, offers a single sign-on adviser command center that lets advisers access and manage all tools and applications from one platform.

Redtail, Morningstar Partner on CRM Tech

Redtail Technology and Morningstar have partnered to integrate proprietary investment research and portfolio analytics within new client relationship management (CRM) software tools for advisers.

LPL Expands CRM Offering with Redtail Technology

LPL Financial LLC has partnered with financial technology firm Redtail Technology, Inc. to revamp LPL’s customer relationship management (CRM) platform and enhance the firm’s core technology offerings.