PLANADVISER Micro Plan Survey

Micro plans have much to gain from adviser help with fiduciary matters

Industry Data

Industry Data

Survey Profile

Type(s) of DC Plan(s) Offered
All Plans <$1MM $1MM–$5MM
401(k) 88% 91% 93%
Profit sharing 18% 12% 16%
403(b) 11% 6% 7%
457 10% 5% 5%
Nonqualified deferred compensation (NQDC) 10% 1% 2%
ESOP2/KSOP3 3% 0% 1%
Money purchase 2% 1% 2%
SIMPLE4 IRA 1% 2% 1%
SEP5 0% 1% 0%
Other 3% 2% 2%
2Employee stock ownership plan.
3A combination ESOP and 401(k)plan.
4Savings incentive match plan for employees individual retirement plan.
5Simplified employee pension.