XTF Launches ETF Lifecycle Family
A new fund offering looks to capitalize on two emerging industry trends — lifecycle offerings and exchange-traded offerings.
Will ETFs Catch On With 401(k) Plans?
The most alluring feature of ETF-based retirement accounts is their cost advantage. Darwin Abrahamson, CEO of Invest n Retire in Portland, Oregon, and a 401(k) innovator, contends he...
Inside: Exchange Traded Funds
Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, appear to be enjoying a resurgence in popularity among 401(k) providers.
Seligman Adds to ETF Target Fund Offering
Seligman Advisors, Inc. has added two new funds to its TargetHorizon ETF Portfolios offering.
Panel Says "Flaw-ridden" DC Model Needs Help
Current trends are leading to an emerging generation of longer-working individuals forced to become personal
SAR Steps
If you administer a plan with over 100 participants, the deadline is approaching for providing those participants with one of the required documents, a Summary Annual Report (SAR).
Beware the Ides of March
In 44 B.C. a soothsayer advised Julius Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March." It's an admonition that can still apply to 401(k) plan administration today when it...
Are You A Fiduciary?
"Fiduciary" is a word that is generally used in the company of ominous terms like "responsibility" or "liability." But is it a word that describes your role, and...
CFOs Say Auto Enrollment Biggest 401(k) Change after PPA
Nearly four in 10 (38%) of the chief financial officers (CFO) in a recent survey said their firms expected to add 401(k) automatic enrollment programs as a result...
Fidelity Research Launches with Retirement Strategies Perspective
A survey conducted by Towers Perrin immediately following President Bush's signing of the Pension Protection Act (PPA) found more employers are likely to maintain their defined benefit pension...
Retirement Spending Patterns Vary
A recent study, "Spending and Investing in Retirement" by LIMRA and the Society of Actuaries offers insight into how people determine they are ready to retire and how...
Markets, Medicine Dominate Retirement Concerns
A new survey finds that retirees are most concerned about the impact of the investment markets and an unexpected medical issue on their post-career standard of living.
Savings Shortfalls a Target of New Plan Designs
Most employers (80%) consider the company-sponsored defined contribution retirement plan to be the primary vehicle for their employees' retirement income, but almost half (43%) are concerned that their...
NASD Says Former Wachovia Broker Wrongfully Fired for Market Timing
The National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) handed down a $4.3 million award to a former Wachovia Securities broker who was fired in 2003 amid the firestorm of...
DOL Unwraps New Default Investment Guidelines
On September 26, US Department of Labor (DoL) officials released a proposed safe harbor rule covering retirement plan sponsors who have default investment options for employees entering plans...
ING Agrees to Settlement in Spitzer Fee Suits
ING Group has agreed to pay $33 million to settle lawsuits which allege it took fees in exchange for promoting particular funds in retirement plans and did not...
Court Approves $11M Settlement in Co. Stock Suit
The US District Court for the Southern District of Ohio has approved an $11 million settlement for a class of former employees of Broadwing Inc., which sued the...
Making Amends: Problems and Solutions for Participant Loan Missteps
According to the IRS, one of the common retirement plan administration mistakes relates to plan loan failures and deemed distributions. Advisers can assist their clients in implementing administrative...