
IMHO: Court Costs

Last week brought to light an aspect of 401(k) litigation that doesn’t generally get a lot of coverage—and the participant-plaintiff was presented with a $50,000...

IMHO: “Conversation” Starters

There’s been a lot of talk coming from Washington of late about the need to have “an adult conversation” with the American people. 

IMHO: Hire Powers

One of the first things you learn in any kind of ERISA primer is that, as a fiduciary, you are expected to conduct yourself either as if...

IMHO: Service Charges

As Valentine’s Day looms, you have perhaps seen those increasingly ubiquitous advertisements for a certain online florist. 

IMHO: Making a List

Believe it or not, PLANADVISER Magazine is five years old this year. 

IMHO: Warning “Labels”

Litigation—or more accurately, the fear of litigation—frequently serves to put us on notice.  

IMHO: Group “Therapy?"

Somewhere over the course of your academic or professional career, I’m sure you’ve been exposed to any number of group exercises.  

IMHO: What Lies Ahead

If 2010 was not quite the return to “normal” we might have hoped, there was more than enough—both new and old—to draw the attention of plan sponsors.   

IMHO: Naughty or Nice?

A few years back—when my kids still believed in the reality of Santa Claus—we discovered an ingenious Web site that purported to offer a real-time...

IMHO: The Measure of the Plan

Not so long ago, plan sponsors gauged the success of their defined contribution offerings by a single metric: participation rate.