Russell Sets Index Reconstitution Schedule

Russell Investments has announced the schedule for its annual index reconstitution process, which it says will “capture and reflect the past year’s shift for equity markets globally.”

The index provider said it will post lists of probable additions and deletions for the Russell Global Index, U.S. broad-market Russell 3000 Index and Russell Microcap Index on its Web site,, after the U.S. market closes on Friday, June 11.

Updated lists, if necessary, will be posted there on June 18 and June 25. Membership changes to Russell’s family of indexes will take effect as markets close that final Friday of June and remain in place for the ensuing 12-month period, according to an announcement.

On June 28, Russell will post official new membership lists for the Russell Global Index, Russell 3000, and Russell Microcap, as well as these leading U.S. benchmarks: large-cap Russell 1000 Index, small-cap Russell 2000 Index, and Russell Midcap Index.

More information is available here.

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