Principal Toolkit Allows Advisers to Perform Client Financial Checkup

The Principal Financial Group has introduced Financial Security Review, a tool for annual financial checkups that pulls together information from a variety of sources into one comprehensive package for financial professionals.

The toolkit contains everything financial professionals needs to initiate and complete a review of existing products and determine financial needs for clients, according to a Principal press release. The product uses Financial Strategies and From Here to Security to calculate where clients are currently financially and how new and existing products may fit with their future needs, and also utilizes a variety of consumer materials to show clients how they can get to where they want to go financially.

The From Here to Security program offers consumer education booklets and CDs with easy-to-read guides to understanding life and disability insurance. The materials contain definitions, examples, statistics, and a personal needs analysis worksheet as well as insurance calculators to allow customers to run “what if” scenarios to determine the level of coverage appropriate for their individual situation.

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“As life speeds up, personal needs like evaluating insurance protection and preparing for retirement, take a back seat,’ said Jerry Patterson, vice president and chief marketing officer for the Principal Financial Group, in the release. “Financial professionals who aren’t taking advantage of this new program aren’t capitalizing on perhaps one of the best opportunities for new sales.’

The Financial Security Review kit can be obtained form a Principal Financial Group representative.
