
IMHO: Value Judgments

Way before we had “reality″ shows where we could watch people make fools of themselves in prime time, there was “Let’s Make a Deal.″

IMHO: Value Judgments

Way before we had “reality″ shows where we could watch people make fools of themselves in prime time, there was “Let’s Make a Deal.″

IMHO: "View" Points

We hadn’t gotten very far into the agenda of our Plan Designs conference last week when a plan sponsor asked the question that, IMHO, is on a lot...

IMHO: Clock Work?

In recent weeks, those favoring a government solution to the issue of retirement security/savings have championed the soundness of Social Security.

IMHO: Poll Positions

There was an intriguing survey on target-date investing published last week, but one that, IMHO, generates as many questions as answers.

IMHO: Survival Instincts

Several years ago, I bought my Dad—one of the world’s most proficient worriers—a copy of the “Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook.″

IMHO: “After″ Thoughts

Last week, I attended a media briefing sponsored by BGI titled “Restoring Confidence: Saving the Future of Retirement.″

IMHO: The Mean-ing of Average

As if retirement savers didn’t have enough problems, last week Fidelity Investments reminded us how much money we’re going to need for health care.

IMHO: Business as Usual

Like many, perhaps most, Americans, I have viewed the unraveling “Bonusgate″ scandal with a mixture of disgust and incredulity.

IMHO: A Good Deal?

A survey published this past week by Fidelity noted that workers cited health insurance, retirement savings plan matching contributions, and dental insurance as the three most important benefits,...

IMHO: “Passing″ on the Ammunition

A couple of months ago, I started getting e-mails from readers curious about the announcements of plans reducing and/or suspending their matching contributions.

IMHO: Trust “Company″

I saw an interesting event headline the other day. It said simply, “Trust is an economic stimulus package.″

IMHO: Anything’s Possible

I’ve spent most of my life, certainly my adult life, confident that Americans, certainly in large part, are reasonable and rational.

IMHO: "Spreading" the Wealth

In one of the more memorable sound bytes of the Presidential campaign just past, candidate Obama tried to explain the rationale underpinning his economic philosophy as a belief...

IMHO: Somebody’s Got To Pay

Much has been made in recent weeks over the so-called Ponzi scheme foisted on the investing public by Bernie Madoff.

IMHO: Executive “Order″

Those who had been waiting anxiously (or nervously) for that final wave of regulations from the Department of Labor will have (get?) to wait a bit longer, it...