Magazine Articles

Select Department

Hidden Agenda?

Small-plan 401(k) lawsuit targets three providers over allegations of excessive fees and inadequate disclosure

High Flying

America’s most expensive airports
fiduciary fitness

Proceed with Caution

A sometimes overlooked provision applies when terminating 401(k) plans
dean's list

“Right” Minded

One of the most common—and consistent—inquiries I receive (via e-mail, anyway) is from readers looking for help in choosing a plan provider.
sales champ

Selling Recovery

With participants’ initial panic over, advisers can help them bring their accounts back to life and get back on track in the downturn’s wake
talking points

Talking Points

Tired of giving the same old presentations? Use these nuggets of information to spruce them up.
chalk talk

The Value of Difference

No one business model is “the best”; everyone thrives by virtue of being different


Articles that appeared in the Trendspotting section of the magazine
cover story

Walking a Tightrope

Figuring out how much to charge and knowing whether it’s reasonable

Success Full

As the future of our economy remains volatile, the very nature of retirement savings plans is being questioned.
talking points

Talking Points

Tired of giving the same old presentations? Use these nuggets of information to spruce them up.


Articles that appeared in the Trendspotting section of the magazine

What Provider To Work With?

Retirement plan advisers play an integral role in many providers' delivery systems, but while some providers do both adviser-sold and direct-sold business, others do no business through intermediaries.
practice management

Added Value

Leveraging your relationships with providers and wholesalers to increase your value proposition
beyond (k)

Branching Out

Making your practice about more than 401(k)s