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The Markets March 24, 2014
Webcast Replay on Liquid Alternative Mutual Funds
The recording of a webcast on the distribution of liquid alternative mutual funds is now available to a select audience.
Reported by Kevin McGuinness
A replay of the “Distribution of Liquid Alternative Mutual Funds – Assessing Advisors’ Growing Demand Across Channels” webcast, which originally took place on March 20, is now available to subscribers of Strategic Insight (SI), an Asset International Inc., company.
The webcast, hosted by SI’s Dennis Bowden, is approximately 45 minutes long and covers:
- which channels have been the fastest adopters of liquid alternative funds and how might the evolution of such demand project moving forward;
- what categories of alternatives have made the largest inroads within each channel;
- how is the competitive landscape for alternative funds evolving and where are newly launched alternative funds being adopted at the fastest pace; and
- what opportunities might potential rotations from traditional bond funds create for alternative strategies and what are some important demand nuances across channels.
You must be an SI subscriber to view the recorded webcast and can login here. The login page also contains information about how non-subscribers can access the webcast.