Women Feel More Behind on Retirement Savings

<p></p><p style="line-height: normal;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;,&quot;serif&quot;;">Women’s confidence in their retirement preparedness has slipped, and they are still behind men in terms of how much they are saving for retirement.</span></p>
Reported by Rebecca Moore

However, the gender gap in retirement planning is smaller than most other areas, with virtually no gap between men and women who participate in employer-sponsored plans or IRAs, according to research from Financial Finesse.  

Ninety-one percent of women reported they participate in their employer-sponsored retirement plan, compared with 92% of men, and 26% of women said they contribute to a traditional or Roth IRA, vs. 27% of men. In addition, 87% of men and 79% of women indicated they are capturing the maximum employer match offered by their employer plans.  

However, only 12% of women said they are on target to replace 80% of their income in retirement, compared to 22% of men.   

While nine in ten (89%) men reported they had general investment knowledge, two-thirds (66%) of women said the same. Only 29% of women feel their investments are allocated appropriately, vs. 45% of men.  

Financial Finesse’s research is primarily based on tracking employees’ most pressing financial concerns through their usage of its financial education services.     

The complete research report is here.


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