What Was, and What Will Be

Bell Investment Advisors, a registered investment advisory firm in the Bay Area, will host a webinar, “Year-End Review and 2013 Preview,” on December 6.
Reported by Jill Cornfield

The event is part of the firm’s ongoing educational webinars on investment management, financial planning, and career and life coaching.

The discussion will review pertinent market activity and economic events of 2012, as well as a glimpse forward into 2013 and what might be in store for investors, including the potential effects of election results. 

Participants will be able to ask questions at the end of the webinar, which will be presented by Matt King, Bell’s chief investment officer and managing director, and Marivic Hammond, senior investment adviser.

Noting that the fiscal cliff is less than a month away, King said that investors need to begin thinking about moves they should be making now to protect their portfolios and reduce their tax liabilities, which could be significantly higher next year. “We have already noticed some momentum shifts and trend changes that suggest 2013 could be a very different investment environment than 2012,” he said.

The free event is by registration only, and space is limited. The webinar will be held from 2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. PST., Thursday, December 6.

An archive of past webinars by Bell Investment Advisors’ adviser team and guest speakers can be found at: http://www.bellinvest.com/resource-center/webinars. Topics include aspects of financial planning and investment strategies.

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