QS Investors Launches in NY

<h2>QS Investors, LLC has opened its doors as an independent institutional investment firm based in New York. </h2>
Reported by Fred Schneyer

Formerly part of Deutsche Asset Management (DeAM), QS Investors is now owned and run by the management team. Janet Campagna, formerly a Managing Director and Global Head of Quantitative Strategies at DeAM, is Chief Executive Officer of QS Investors. The management team oversees a business with more than 40 employees, $11 billion AUM and $70 billion AUA.

“We have completed an extraordinary time of growth and development as part of Deutsche Asset Management and look forward to working with them as an important client in the years ahead,” said Campagna.  “This is a critical time for investors, who now more than ever demand experienced global managers that provide creative solutions within transparent, diversified and liquid investment strategies.” 

Other members of the senior management team include:

  • James Norman, President
  • Rosemary Macedo, Chief Investment Officer
  • Robert Wang, Head of Portfolio Management
  • Tom Rose, Chief Financial Officer
  • Marco Veissid, Head of Institutional Services

More information about the company is at http://www.qsinvestors.com.


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