Most Share Vacations on Facebook

Half of all Americans plan to use Facebook to share memories of their vacations this year, a survey says.
Reported by Jill Cornfield

Half of all Americans plan to use Facebook to share memories of their vacations this year, according to an annual vacation spending survey from More than two out of three vacationers younger than 30 will share their vacation pictures with friends and family on the social media platform.

Almost half plan to share vacation photos via email; 14% say they’ll use Instagram (42% for those under 30); and 6% plan to use Twitter (14% for those younger than 30).

Eight in 10 Americans take vacations, and more than 60% will go on at least one this year. One in four go more than once a year. This jumps to one in three for those with annual income exceeding $75,000, while one in five said they never go on vacation. Nearly two in five with annual income less than $30,000 say they do not take vacations.

Among other findings:

  • 42% will spend $1,500 or more on vacations this year;
  • 74% say they save money via online for travel deals and/or use bonus miles, points, cash-back rewards and timely credit card offers;
  • 60% book one to six months ahead and 14% book more than six months ahead;
  • Family and friends have the most influence on half of all respondents for finding vacation and travel information;
  • Breakfast buffets, WiFi and parking lead the list of desirable hotel freebies; and
  • Most (74%) use a laptop to book the next vacation, and more than half (55%) plan to buy clothing, shoes and accessories for the getaway.