Kiplinger Releases Tool for Boomers

<span>Kiplinger Washington Editors Inc. and Social Security Solutions launched a Web-based tool to help workers maximize benefits in retirement.</span> 
Reported by PLANADVISER staff

Kiplinger’s Social Security Solutions creates a customized personal report that suggests a timing strategy that the tool’s developers say can add up to $100,000 or more to a worker’s lifetime benefits, compared with customary timing. For married couples, the service suggests the best time for each spouse to start benefits.

Users can choose a “do-it yourself” version or an “expert adviser” version that includes a telephone consultation with an expert who will recommend a customized strategy.

In addition to the service, Kiplinger developed the report “Boomer’s Guide to Social Security,” which includes advice on how to maximize Social Security benefits. The report is available for download at and is free for those who purchase a personalized online report.

For more information, visit


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