John Hancock Adds Three Lifestyle Portfolios

John Hancock has added three new strategies to its target-risk Lifestyle portfolios, effective May 1, the company announced.
Reported by Fred Schneyer
According to a company news release, the John Hancock Lifestyle Portfolios are a series of five asset allocation fund of funds that provide investors with a choice of varying degrees of investment risk, from aggressive to conservative.
John Hancock has more than $50 billion of assets invested in Lifestyle Portfolios across its Mutual Fund, Retirement Plan Services, Variable Annuity, Variable Life and College Savings Plan businesses, the company said.
The new strategies are:
  • Emerging Markets Value, subadvised by Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc. This portfolio will be managed in a similar style to DFA Emerging Markets Value Fund.
  • Mid Cap Intersection, subadvised by Wellington Management Company. This portfolio will add capacity in the mid-cap blend style box and will complement the existing mid-cap funds offered in the John Hancock Lifestyle Portfolios.
  • Small Cap Intrinsic Value, subadvised by MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.). This portfolio will be managed in a similar style to the John Hancock Small Cap Intrinsic Value Fund.
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