Brightscope Issues Report on Target-Date Fund Families

BrightScope and Target Date Analytics released "Popping the Hood, IV," the latest study in a series that provides analysis of target-date funds (TDFs) and fund families.
Reported by Rebecca Moore

The report includes 48 fund series, 40 distinct target-date companies, and 400 distinct TDFs. Each fund family is evaluated in five major categories, resulting in an overall score and ranking. The five categories are: Company/Organization, Strategy, Performance, Risk, and Fees.   

“This study is designed to provide valuable insight and analysis of a company’s target date funds compared to its peers,” said Joseph C. Nagengast, Principal, Target Date Analytics. 

The stand-alone price for the report is $1,200. For asset managers who want a distribution license, the cost is $20,000. E-mail, or call 858-433-6534, with questions.

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