BCG Partners With IPA Northeast

<p> </p><p>Benefit Consultants Group (BCG) will be assuming the daily valuation retirement plan clients from IPA Northeast (IPA).  </p>  <p> </p>
Reported by Tara Cantore

BCG will be performing all the administration and recordkeeping responsibilities. IPA, an independent actuarial and consulting firm in Cranford, New Jersey, will continue to provide traditional plan services to its clients. IPA specializes in the design, implementation and administration of various types of retirement benefit programs.

“When choosing a partner to work with, we looked for a company with a long history of success, world-class offerings and someone that could provide a service offering that exceeds clients’ expectations. We found that in BCG,” said Marvin Scherb, managing partner at IPA.

Additional information about Benefit Consultants Group is available at


Recordkeepers, Retirement Plan Industry,
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