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The Right Context
The approximately 25%—vs. 41%—of workers who struggle to pay everyday bills are the group that we should target.

What’s Next?
This issue covers end-of-year improvements, such as helping clients start a rainy-day...
Compliance News
Compliance News
Legislative and Judicial Actions
Key legislation, regulations and litigation from Washington, D.C., and the courts.
Data Points
Data Points
Fund Lineup Sizing
Both pluses and minuses to increasing or reducing plan investment menus, research...
How Plan Advisers Justify Their Fees
Despite fee compression, advisers are pushing back.
In the Near Future
Just a matter of time before retirement income becomes widespread, experts say.
Talking Points
Talking Points
2020 Contribution and Benefit LimitsSource: Internal Revenue Service *Savings Incentive Match PLan for Employees. Distribution of Social Security Claiming Ages, by Gender †Full retirement age. Source: Center for...

An Engagement Chain
Linking participants to their online account from digital communications.

Cover Story
Foul Weather Fund
The value of facilitating emergency savings accounts at the workplace.

Practice Management
To Surmount the Gender Gap
The financial adviser industry works to change with the times.

Practice Development
Active vs. Passive Enrollment
Open-enrollment month, when workers rethink their benefits, might be just the time to remind them to save for retirement.

Continued Growth
Hybrid QDIAs are evolving to offer a source of retirement income.

Regulatory Radar
NQDC Guidance
Advisers can help clients navigate the complexity of these supplemental plans.

Fiduciary Fitness
The Extent of Obligation
New committee members need not look for breaches to repair.