Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
November 17th, 2020

Vaccine Hopes Buoy Markets and Retirement Investors

Investment leaders say they are thrilled by the preliminary data being published about various coronavirus vaccines, and they have increasingly high hopes for a faster economic recovery. Read more >
SEC Chair Clayton Confirms Plan to Step Down at Year’s End
Jay Clayton’s stint at the helm of the Securities and Exchange Commission included oversight of the Regulation Best Interest finalization and implementation process, among other important projects. Read more >
Webinar Today: Are Advisers Conflicted When Serving MEPs and PEPs?
This hour-long, editorial-driven webinar will dive into the expansion of the PEP marketplace and discuss practical matters for advisers who consider incorporating such plans into their practice and client offerings. Join us! Read more >
Principal to Launch Pooled Employer Plan
With its PEP, the firm plans to simplify plan administration and reduce fiduciary risk to help more businesses offer a retirement plan. Read more >
Sponsored message from John Hancock
Add Financial Stress to the Symptoms—and the Cost—of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Financial stress has increased among American workers as the pandemic has continued, adding to the costs borne by employers. Plan sponsors, financial professionals, and recordkeepers can work together to reinforce the basics of improving financial wellness—it’s what workers are looking for. Read more >
PenChecks Launches Online Retirement Distribution Processing Platform
Called Amplify, it is meant to make it easier for TPAs, plan sponsors, recordkeepers and participants to handle distributions. Read more >
Advisers Giving Back: Ken Catanella and Challenger Baseball
From the moment Ken Catanella, managing director at the Catanella Institutional Consulting Team of UBS, came across a Little League Challenger Division game, he knew it was something he wanted to get involved in. Read more >
Market Mirror
Yesterday, the Dow climbed 470.63 points (1.60%) to 29,950.44, the NASDAQ was up 94.84 points (0.80%) at 11,924.13, and the S&P 500 increased 41.76 points (1.16%) to 3,626.91. The Russell 2000 closed 41.29 points (2.37%) higher at 1,785.34, and the Wilshire 5000 gained 462.11 points (1.25%) to finish at 37,457.05. The price of the 10-year Treasury note was down 1/32, increasing its yield to 0.907%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond decreased 4/32, bringing its yield up to 1.663%.
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