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Wednesday, February 9th, 2022
A topical newsletter from PLANADVISER
Good afternoon PLANADVISER readers. When solving issues at the plan level or those related to participation and diversified investments, the defined contribution (DC) industry historically has done a good job, experts agree. Now the industry is at an inflection point where advisers are starting to solve for the individual. As covered in this week’s Spotlight newsletter, a managed account solution can speak to the desire to customize a retirement account to reflect the needs of a single participant, but so can other options. We hope you will share some of what you read with a client or colleague!
The Markets
Scrutinizing TDFs and Considering Balanced Funds
Both options hold more than a trillion dollars in assets; weighing their relative merits remains an important task for advisers and their clients.
Data Points
A Balanced Fund or a TDF?
Weighing their relative merits is an important task for advisers and clients.
The Markets
Adviser Op-Ed: The Case for Custom Default Investment Solutions
Michael Volo at CAPTRUST says it makes sense that target-date solutions have evolved the same way retirement plan products have over time—from closed architecture, proprietary solutions to open architecture solutions using best-in-class underlying investments.
The Markets
Adviser Managed Accounts. A Good Fit?
The past few years have seen a number of recordkeepers roll out new “adviser managed accounts,” i.e., managed accounts that include the consulting services of an independent registered investment adviser.
A Managed Account Q&A With LeafHouse and iJoin
The firms, which collaborated to launch a new adviser managed account solution, say the retirement plan industry has both the capability and the obligation to close the workplace retirement savings coverage gap. 
Cover Story
A Shift in the Tech Landscape
The pandemic forces advisers to rethink their business models and integrate technology.
The Markets
Asset Managers Weigh In on DC Plan Investment Trends
They foresee growth in the use of CITs, retirement income products and ESG investments.
The Markets
Data Points: Customization and the QDIA
Five years ago, more than 10% of plans that offered managed accounts used them as a default. Today? Our proprietary data shows usage of default managed accounts has been cut in half.
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