Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
November 6th, 2020
Robo-Adviser vs. Human Adviser
Which plan participants use which service? Read more >
Are Advisers Conflicted When Serving MEPs and PEPs?
This hour-long, editorial-driven webinar will dive into the expansion of the PEP marketplace and discuss practical matters for advisers who consider incorporating such plans into their practice and client offerings. Join us! Read more >
New Take on the 401(k)
Biden’s controversial retirement savings tax credit proposal. Read more >
The 5-Year ‘Test’
A survey finds many retirees don’t have the assets to keep up their spending. Read more >
Sponsored message from New York Life Investments
Balanced retirement portfolios, no matter the balance of power.
Perspectives on electing high-yield bonds and other non-core assets. Read more >
Advisers Giving Back
Close to their hearts Read more >
How to Show Your Worth
Best practices for navigating today’s ‘out of control’ RFP process. Read more >
Market Mirror
Thursday, the Dow closed 542.52 points (1.95%) higher at 28,390.18, the NASDAQ gained 300.15 points (2.59%) to finish at 11,890.93, and the S&P 500 increased 67.01 points (1.95%) to 3,510.45. The Russell 2000 added 44.96 points (2.78%) to close at 1,660.05, and the Wilshire 5000 climbed 724.70 points (2.04%) to 36,268.87.   The price of the 10-year Treasury note was unchanged, with its yield up to 0.772%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond increased 26/32, decreasing its yield to 1.529%.
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