Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
June 3rd, 2020

Advisers Giving Back: Grant Arends at Intellicents

Over the course of our Advisers Giving Back profile series, one common thread has been an expressed desire not just to “give back” to great causes and communities, but also to invest in them and to provide people the opportunity to improve their own lives and livelihoods permanently. Read more >
First Hints of Potential New DOL Fiduciary Rule Emerge
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has filed for review a draft regulation titled “Improving Investment Advice for Workers & Retirees Exemption” with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Read more >
Plaintiffs’ Attorneys: Leaving Pension Policing Solely to DOL Won’t Work
Part of the Supreme Court’s reasoning in affirming two lower court rulings in Thole v. U.S. Bank is the fact that the Department of Labor polices pension plan fiduciary violations, but plaintiffs’ attorneys say the resourced-strapped federal agency can’t do the job alone. Read more >
Retirement Investing 101: Age-Appropriate Allocations
A look at the current asset mix of participants who choose their own investments shows that many are outside their age-appropriate ranges, holding either too much or too little in equity investments. Read more >
BCG Launches Customized Buyout Price Monitoring
BCG Pension Risk Consultants is launching a new Customized Buyout Price Monitoring (CBPM) service. With this announcement, the company has also released a new corporate brand identity and website. Read more >
Assessing the State of Trump’s EBSA
The Employee Benefits Security Administration is among the regulators with the most direct influence over the retirement planning industry. It gets a new leader at the end of the month. Read more >
Be Stronger in the Recovery
Todd Kading, president and co-founder of LeafHouse Financial, discusses the importance of flexibility and innovation when the tough times arrive. Read more >
Market Mirror
Tuesday, the Dow climbed 267.63 points (1.05%) to 25,742.65, the NASDAQ closed 56.33 points (0.59%) higher at 9,608.38, and the S&P 500 increased 25.09 points (0.82%) to 3,080.82. The Russell 2000 was up 12.84 points (0.91%) at 1,418.21, and the Wilshire 5000 gained 257.75 points (0.83%) to finish at 31,365.87. The price of the 10-year Treasury note was down 3/32, increasing its yield to 0.688%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond decreased 30/32, bringing its yield up to 1.489%.
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