Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
December 14th, 2020
DOL Issues Final Rule on Proxy Voting and Shareholder Rights
The final regulation includes delayed compliance dates to January 31, 2022, for certain recordkeeping and proxy voting requirements. Read more >
Retirement Plans Will Likely Face More Litigation in 2021
A year marked by high volatility and rushed cybersecurity practices could bring a new wave of retirement plan litigation for 2021. Read more >
Principal Remains as Defendant After CHS Settlement
The proposed agreement stipulates that the class counsel does not intend to seek recovery of any attorneys’ fees or litigation costs from Community Health Systems (CHS) in connection with the settlement. Read more >
15th Anniversary of RPAY: The Catanella Institutional Consulting Team
The practice, overseen by a father-son pair, has experienced strong growth while staying committed to the middle-market segment. Read more >
Sponsored message from American Century Investments
The Decumulation Conundrum: Income In Retirement
A record number of Americans are currently in retirement, and people are living longer. Read more >
Self-Directed Investors Satisfied With Their Strategies in 2020
Most say they learned the importance of staying the course, despite market volatility. Read more >
Investment Product and Service Launches
Nationwide announces new suite of in-plan annuities; SC Ventures and Northern Trust to launch Zodia Custody; Wilmington Trust and Neuberger Berman collaborate on CIT distribution; and more. Read more >
Sponsored message from American Century Investments
The Making of a Glide Path
Investor reliance on TDFs underscores the importance of having a disciplined approach to glide path construction. Read more >
Market Mirror
Friday, the Dow was up 47.11 points (0.16%) at 30,046.37, the NASDAQ closed 27.94 points (0.23%) lower at 12,377.87, and the S&P 500 was down 4.64 points (0.13%) at 3,663.46. The Russell 2000 lost 11.01 points (0.57%) to finish at 1,911.70, and the Wilshire 5000 decreased 71.33 points (0.19%) to 38,481.01.   The price of the 10-year Treasury note was up 2/32, decreasing its yield to 0.887%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond was unchanged, bringing its yield down to 1.627%.   For the week ending December 11, the Dow was down 0.57%, the NASDAQ finished 0.69% lower, and the S&P 500 lost 0.96%. The Russell 2000 climbed 1.02%, and the Wilshire 5000 decreased 0.57%.
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