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Thursday, October 20th, 2022
A biweekly topical newsletter from PLANADVISER
The topic of environmental, social and governance investing proved to be one of the most popular coverage areas for in 2021, and the same is expected for 2022. For that reason, we have decided to continue dedicating editions of our biweekly Spotlight newsletter to ESG-themed articles and analyses. Collected below are some of our most recent ESG articles. We hope you will consider sharing some of what you read with a client or colleague.
The Markets
The Challenges and Opportunities for ESG Portfolios
Georgetown conference panel discusses how ESG should be understood in the context of other socially informed investments, and how it should be regulated.
ESG's Impact on Three States’ Retirement Systems
While the ESG controversy has not changed how three states operate, one state treasurer has doubled down by banning them from state investments.
The Markets
ESG Adoption Slow Among DC Plans
One factor hindering ESG’s adoption is the lack of ESG-focused target-date funds, though several firms are starting to introduce them. 
Practice Management
PANC 2022: DEI at Work
Advisers share insights about how they are changing the composition of their firms—from entry-level positions to senior management—to better reflect the demographics of the U.S.
New Venture Seeks to Make FinTech Socially Responsible
Financial Finesse Ventures seeks to erase the trend of predatory practices and close the financial literacy gap.
Data & Research
The Future of Work in the Investment Industry
The CFA Institute’s recent report examines leading trends and explores the future of work in the investment industry.
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