Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
April 8th, 2019

Millennial Misconceptions: Younger Workers Prioritize Retirement

Millennials often make different life choices than previous generations. One of those choices is saving for retirement earlier—on average, at age 24—than previous generations. A typical Gen Xer began saving at age 30, and Baby Boomers didn’t start setting aside retirement funds until age 35 or so. Read more >
Bill Would Require Employers to Contribute to Workers’ Savings
The Saving for the Future Act would require employers to contribute 50 cents to a savings account for each worker for every hour worked, or more than $1,000 a year. Read more >
Education Key to Helping Different Cultural Groups Manage Retirement Expectations
Approximately half of the participants surveyed by MassMutual had calculated how much savings they need to retire, with about one-third actually creating a formal plan. However, there were outliers. Read more >
Retirement Industry People Moves
BlackRock Confirms Leadership Shift in Retirement Business; Regional Vice President Joins Transamerica; CAPTRUST Adds FiduciaryVest Members to Advisory Practice; and more. Read more >
‘Reg BI’ and Dual Registrants
Advisory and 12b-1 fees may not be combined Read more >
Lost Participants
It is sponsors’ duty to locate their terminated ‘missing persons’ Read more >
Market Mirror
Friday, the Dow was up 40.36 points (0.15%) at 26,424.99, the NASDAQ gained 46.91 points (0.59%) to finish at 7,938.69, and the S&P 500 increased 13.35 points (0.46%) to 2,892.74. The Russell 2000 climbed 15.06 points (0.96%) to 1,582.56, and the Wilshire 5000 closed 159.85 points (0.54%) higher at 29,887.07.   The price of the 10-year Treasury note was up 6/32, decreasing its yield to 2.494%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond increased 12/32, bringing its yield down to 2.906%.   WEEK’S WORTH: For the week ending April 5, the Dow was up 1.91%, the NASDAQ gained 2.71%, and the S&P 500 increased 2.06%. The Russell 2000 climbed 2.78%, and the Wilshire 5000 finished 2.12% higher.
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