Flexible Plan Investments Offers Absolute Return Portfolios
Over fifteen outside money managers, including those affiliated with Hg Capital Advisors, LLC, ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc., Parlan Financial Corporation, Active Investment Management, LLC and Scarecrow Trading, Inc., have collaborated to create mutual fund portfolios that seek opportunity in both bull and bear markets.
The announcement said each portfolio is a combination of multiple managers – the “Wolf Pack” – and is responsive to markets. The actively managed accounts are automatically invested among strategies based on allocation processes that have proven profitable even in unfavorable market conditions. Suitability-based profiles reflect risk tolerance and investment time horizon, and feature quarterly reports on fund performance.
The accounts are custodied at a national independent trust company and overseen by Flexible Plan Investments, and only index mutual funds are utilized to achieve the portfolios’ leveraged and inverse positions – and there is no margin or short selling. Hedge fund techniques are made available without the hassles of limited partnerships, lack of liquidity, minimum holding periods and high performance fees, according to the announcement.
Further information is available at www.flexibleplan.com.