Ameristock Offers Ryan Treasury Indexes ETFs

Ameristock Funds is now offering five exchange-traded funds (ETFs) tracking the Ryan Treasury Indexes.
Reported by Fred Schneyer

Information on the Ameristock Web site indicated that the indexes track the performance of each Treasury index maturity, before fees and expenses.

According to the Web site information, the funds will hold at least 90% of their assets in U.S. Treasury securities and 10% in other investments.

Now being offered are:

  • Ameristock/Ryan 1 Year Treasury ETF
  • Ameristock/Ryan 2 Year Treasury ETF
  • Ameristock/Ryan 5 Year Treasury ETF
  • Ameristock/Ryan 10 Year Treasury ETF
  • Ameristock/Ryan 20 Year Treasury ETF

The ETFs began trading July 2, according to the Ameristock information.

More information is at