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Wednesday, February 8th, 2023
A biweekly topical newsletter from PLANADVISER
Managed Accounts and Participant Advice
Market volatility can often bring retirement plan investing—and guidance around it—onto the front burner for the plan adviser industry. With continued market volatility, inflation and talk of recession, evaluating the best qualified default investment options for the varied needs of participants becomes crucial. Whether offering target-date funds, managed accounts or some combination via dynamic QDIA, advisers are well-served to know the options and be able to discuss them with plan sponsors. Collected below is PLANADVISER’s latest reporting on managed accounts and participant advice.
Voya Saw 10% Growth in Managed Accounts in 2022
Participants held steady elsewhere, but Voya credits uptick to enrollment campaigns, new plan features and free trials.
Many Providers Are Prioritizing Participant Financial Advice in 2023
Advisory shops and providers are launching new workplace programs, updating others and sometimes bypassing the plan sponsor altogether to reach participants.
Advisers Turn to Managed Accounts as Demand for Customized Plan Design Options Grows
They began with broad adoption at large accounts, and smaller employers are increasingly considering them as a solution for their plans.
Reconsidering Target-Date Funds After a Rocky 2022
Advisers and plan sponsors should consider both use and education around target-date funds after 2022 declines, according to new research from MFS.
Savers Want Better Financial Management. How Can Advisers Reach Them?
New research shows an opening for advisers to offer wealth management solutions to savers. An expert in adviser communications says it’s important to know the business, and people, that you want to be your clients.
Retirement Savers Held Course in 2022 Despite 401(k) Declines
The latest retirement plan participant tracking from Vanguard and Bank of America show retirement savers’ resilience last year. 
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