Greetings loyal PLANADVISER readers. The focus of this weekend’s mailing is health care and retirement—a topic that is clearly on many peoples’ minds. Even before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic earlier this year, retirement plan advisers were growing increasingly focused on the links between physical wellness and financial wellness. Collected below is a series of articles and reports on just that. We hope you find our reporting useful and consider sharing some of what you read with a client or colleague. Stay well!
Mark Waterstraat, president of consumer solutions at Alegeus, offers simple steps to coach clients through managing their health care finances after a layoff. For example, did you know that individuals can use HSA funds to pay COBRA premiums tax-free?
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Financial advisers say the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the need for creating a comprehensive financial plan as opposed to receiving ad hoc advice.
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The account types differ quite a lot. Some require same-year spending, most are owned by the employer, and one comes with a triple tax advantage.
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While 75% of employers consider their companies to be “aging friendly,” only 54% of workers think their companies have adopted such policies.
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One overlooked benefit of HSAs is that people can actually spend money on qualified health care expenses out of pocket and then reimburse themselves tax-free via the HSA once they enter retirement.
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