Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
September 13th, 2019
MIT ERISA Lawsuit Parties Announce Settlement
Trial was to begin on the case September 16. Read more >
ERISA Litigation as Cottage Industry
“The plaintiffs’ lawyer playbook is the same,” says Brian Netter of Mayer Brown. “First, survive a motion to dismiss, and then subject the defendant to a very expensive discovery process. It creates incentive to enter into a sizable settlement.” Read more >
Morgan Stanley Expands Student Loan Capabilities
The Morgan Stanley at Work financial wellness platform now includes student loan refinancing capabilities and expanded financial coaching. Read more >
Investment Product and Service Launches
Morningstar releases goals-based planning solution; Schwab adds account conversion feature to portfolios solution; and AssetMark to offer Savos personal portfolios. Read more >
TDFs Help Boost Balances
The key is their diversification and participants’ tendency to remain invested Read more >
Ready to Focus on Income?
Just under 10% of employers offer an in-plan annuity Read more >
Market Mirror
Thursday, the Dow was up 45.41 points (0.17%) at 27,182.45, the NASDAQ gained 24.79 points (0.30%) to finish at 8,194.47, and the S&P 500 closed 8.64 points (0.29%) higher at 3,009.57. The Russell 2000 climbed 32.08 points (2.08%) to 1,575.07, and the Wilshire 5000 increased 62.89 points (0.20%) to 30,785.60.   The price of the 10-year Treasury note was down 4/32, increasing its yield to 1.786%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond fell 31/32, increasing its yield to 2.269%.
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