Sponsored message from BNY Mellon Investment Management |
You are a retirement architect |
BNY Mellon Custom Target Date Builder is a modeling tool for retirement architects like you.
Model target-date portfolios that are customized for your plan sponsor clients.
Evaluate hundreds of investment managers thanks to an open architecture framework. Learn more.
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15th Anniversary of RPAY: the Prince Group |
When the Prince Group won the Retirement Plan Adviser Team of the Year award in 2010, it did not offer 3(38) fiduciary services. Times have changed, says Doug Prince, CEO.
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Transamerica Launches Student Loan Repayment Program |
Employers that use Transamerica as the recordkeeper for their retirement plan now have access to Transamerica’s Student Loan Repayment Program to help workers pay back student loans.
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DOL’s ESG Restrictions Prompt Retirement Industry Head Scratching |
Broad based demand is building among U.S. retirement plan investors for access to environmentally and socially responsible investments, leaving industry analysts wondering why new restrictions are being proposed by the Trump administration.
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Market Mirror |
Tuesday, the Dow lost 375.88 points (1.34%) to finish at 27,772.76, the NASDAQ closed 177.88 points (1.57%) lower at 11,154.60, and the S&P 500 decreased 47.66 points (1.40%) to 3,360.97. The Russell 2000 was down 4.67 points (0.30%) at 1,577.29, and the Wilshire 5000 fell 443.95 points (1.26%) to 34,673.49.
The price of the 10-year Treasury note was up 5/32, decreasing its yield to 0.739%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond increased 1 25/32, bringing its yield down to 1.533%.