Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
July 8th, 2019
Newly Allowed 401(k)s Will Need Advisers
Advisers may shy away from helping hemp and CBD companies with their 401(k)s because they may find themselves crossing into advising for a cannabis company as well, but there are protections—and money to be made. Read more >
Without Infrastructure Fees, Recordkeepers Would Go Out of Business
This was one of Fidelity’s arguments in a memorandum to support its motion to dismiss a consolidated lawsuit alleging it is receiving “secret” or “kickback” payments from providers on its FundsNetwork platform. Read more >
Retirement Industry People Moves
AIG Life and Retirement adds new CEOs; Northern Trust hires business development executive to lead private capital administration; CRI incorporates TPA services to company team; and more. Read more >
Investment Product and Service Launches
Buffalo Funds introduces institutional class shares; Nuveen adds to Diversified Dividend and Income Fund team; and State Street Global Advisors launches ESG money market fund. Read more >
Sponsored message from PIMCO
2019 PIMCO Defined Contribution Consulting Study
Providing retirement income potential, evaluating TDFs and plan costs, and simplifying investment menus are key. Download the whitepaper Read more >
Webinars Multiply Possibilities
As many as a quarter of workers view them Read more >
Company Matches on the Rise
More than 2/3 of employers now sweeten the pot to help workers save Read more >
Market Mirror
Friday, the Dow lost 43.88 points (0.16%) to finish at 26,922.12, the NASDAQ decreased 8.44 points (0.10%) to 8,161.79, and the S&P 500 was down 5.41 points (0.18%) at 2,990.41. The Russell 2000 closed 3.50 points (0.22%) higher at 1,575.62, and the Wilshire 5000 closed 30.84 points (0.10%) lower at 30,763.81.   The price of the 10-year Treasury note decreased 30/32, bringing its yield up to 2.041%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond fell 1 6/32, increasing its yield to 2.539%.   WEEK’S WORTH: For the week ending July 5, the Dow increased 1.21%, the NASDAQ climbed 1.94%, and the S&P 500 gained 1.65%. The Russell 2000 was up 0.58%, and the Wilshire 5000 increased 1.64%.
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