Thursday, the Dow increased 70.04 points (0.23%) to 30,199.87, the NASDAQ closed 33.62 points (0.26%) higher at 12,804.73, and the S&P 500 gained 13.05 points (0.35%) to finish at 3,703.06. The Russell 2000 was down 3.15 points (0.16%) at 2,003.95, and the Wilshire 5000 was up 84.57 points (0.22%) at 39,175.59.
The price of the 10-year Treasury note was up 2/32, decreasing its yield to 0.933%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond increased 27/32, bringing its yield down to 1.663%.
For the week ending December 25, the Dow was up 0.07%, the NASDAQ gained 0.38%, and the S&P 500 finished 0.17% lower. The Russell 2000 climbed 1.72%, and the Wilshire 5000 increased 0.11%.