December 18th, 2020 |
 | 2020 PLANADVISER Micro Plan SurveyThe micro-plan market, which this survey defines as plans with under $5 million in assets, excels in several areas. For instance, micro plans with between $1 million and $5 million surpassed all plans in providing one-on-one education. Micro-plan sponsors do face challenges, however—for instance, with plan management and cost control.
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Simply Retirement by Principal Offers New Digital 401(k) Solution | For today’s employees focused on making ends meet, saving for retirement can be a challenge. Many don’t have a plan or haven’t saved a fraction of what they’ll likely need to retire comfortably. Principal® has introduced a new solution, Simply Retirement by Principal®, a digital offering designed to make 401(k) plans more accessible to businesses with fewer than 100 employees.
Read more > | | Small-Plan Governance | Advisers can help with the functions of a committee—even a three-member one.
Read more > | | Five Tips to Help Grow Your Practice with Small Business Clients | Looking to increase and diversify your revenue? Small business retirement plans can be a good opportunity, but efficiency is key when working with smaller employers. Here are some quick tips for reaching employers who are looking to start a retirement plan.
Read more > | | Small Business Startup Plan Tax Advantages | Small businesses care about their employees and want to help them retire, but cost can be an issue. The good news is that there may be tax benefits for some of the costs of starting a SEP, SIMPLE IRA, or qualified plan (like a 401(k) or a 403(b)). As always, have your client consult a tax advisor, but tax deductions and credits (which reduce the amount you pay in taxes) are available. Here are some things to consider when setting up a new small business retirement plan:
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