Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
August 25th, 2020
BTG International Agrees to Pay $560,000 to Settle ERISA Suit
The suit alleged excessive fees were paid to the recordkeeper of the company’s 401(k) plan through undisclosed revenue sharing. Read more >
DOL Efforts Seem to Heighten Duties Before ESG Can Fly in Retirement Plans
Prior to the issuance of its proposed rule on ESG investing in retirement plans, the DOL sent letters to plan sponsors and CIT providers requesting information about ESG investment selection practices. Read more >
DOL Announces Hearing to Discuss PTE Proposal for Fiduciary Rule
The proposed exemption offers a new prohibited transaction class exemption for investment advice fiduciaries. Read more >
DCIIA Publishes First Paper in Series on Managed Accounts
The primer includes a review of the basics of managed accounts, a description of how they can be offered and considerations for determining if they are right for a particular DC plan. Read more >
Sponsored message from Natixis
Resiliency on the road to retirement
How has the first ESG-driven TDF Series navigated the COVID-19 crisis? Views on the design, purpose, and performance of Natixis Sustainable Future Funds at its three-year mark are shared by Portfolio Manager Chris Sharpe. Read more >
More Employers Including ESG Investments in Executive Compensation, Retirement Programs
Surveys find plan sponsors and participants have a growing interest in environmental, social and governance issues. Read more >
Financial Wellness Programs Can Ease COVID-19 Tensions
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to lead to an increase in financial concerns, a Retirement Advisor Council guide suggests key financial well-being strategies. Read more >
Market Mirror
Yesterday, the Dow climbed 378.13 points (1.35%) to 28,308.46, the NASDAQ increased 67.92 points (0.60%) to 11,379.72, and the S&P 500 gained 34.12 points (1.00%) to finish at 3,431.28. The Russell 2000 was down 1.30 points (0.08%) at 1,568.47, and the Wilshire 5000 closed 320.26 points (0.92%) higher at 35,061.49.   The price of the 10-year Treasury note was down 2/32, increasing its yield to 0.656%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond decreased 5/32, bringing its yield up to 1.361%.
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