Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
April 5th, 2019
Tailoring Plan Designs to Reflect Shorter Employee Tenure
Recent research reports suggest average employee tenure in the U.S. has trended downward; retirement industry experts agree this fact should inform plan design discussions and participant-level services. Read more >
Plan Design, Education and Advice Can Improve Participant Retirement Savings
Defined contribution plan participants and non-participants surveyed by Natixis shared incentives that would encourage them to save or save more for retirement. Read more >
Investment Product and Service Launches
WisdomTree Restructures European and Japan Equity Funds; SSGA Launches Sector Rotation SPDR ETFs; Vanguard Files SEC Registration for Commodity Strategy Fund; and more. Read more >
Employer Contributions on the Rise
In 2017, companies contributed as much as their workers did to DC plans Read more >
The Need to Investigate Alternatives
Courts may have expectations for fiduciaries Read more >
Market Mirror
Thursday, the Dow gained 166.50 points (0.64%) to finish at 26,384.63, the NASDAQ was down 3.77 points (0.05%) at 7,891.78, and the S&P 500 increased 5.99 points (0.21%) to 2,879.39. The Russell 2000 closed 6.58 points (0.42%) higher at 1,567.49, and the Wilshire 5000 was up 46.76 points (0.16%) at 29,727.27. The price of the 10-year Treasury note was up 2/32, decreasing its yield to 2.513%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond increased 10/32, bringing its yield down to 2.919%.
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