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Wednesday, October 26th, 2022
A topical newsletter from PLANADVISER
Retirement Income
One of the first steps in solving for retirement income is rethinking the jargon that often gets used with plan sponsors. For example, most employees don’t know the difference between ‘in-plan’ and ‘out-of-plan’ income. There also needs to be collaboration among the plan’s stakeholders, meaning that the asset manager, consultant and plan sponsor need to work together to present straightforward income solutions. Find the latest on retirement income below.
Plan Design / Post-Retirement
New Territory for Income?
Advisers and providers need to help solve the decumulation challenge.
Data & Research
The Appeal of Guaranteed Lifetime Income Option Is Growing Among Participants
While more participants are looking for a consistent source of income in retirement, they also want the flexibility to change their payments when needed.
Client Service
PANC 2022: The Psychology and Practicality of Retirement Income
Personalization is required to help people create a paycheck in retirement, says Shlomo Benartzi.
Data & Research
Annuities as Part of Target-Date Funds Grow in Popularity
Cerulli retirement research shows growing interest in TDFs with guaranteed income for plan sponsors’ lifetime income options among consultants.
Client Service
Decumulation Is Personal
New income solutions are focusing on customization and flexibility, in recognition of the fact that spending in retirement is more complicated than saving for it.
Client Service
Making Retirement Income Projections Useful
Plan participants need advisers to go beyond just awareness of their balance to thinking about that balance in the form of retirement income or an income stream.
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