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Wednesday, July 13th, 2022
A biweekly topical newsletter from PLANADVISER
The topic of environmental, social and governance investing proved to be one of the most popular coverage areas for in 2021, and the same is expected for 2022. For that reason, we have decided to continue dedicating editions of our biweekly Spotlight newsletter to ESG-themed articles and analyses. Collected below are some of our most recent ESG articles. We hope you will consider sharing some of what you read with a client or colleague.
What 2 Supportive Commenters Say About SEC’s Climate Regulations
The Consumer Federation of America and the Investment Adviser Association have different goals and objectives, but both organizations voice support for the SEC’s proposed climate disclosure regulations.
Data & Research
Pension Plans Among ESG’s Biggest Proponents
Major pension funds see sustainable investing as a fundamental element of investing rather than a potential drag on performance, according to a new Morningstar survey.
The Markets
In Many Ways, ESG Is Nothing New
While often spoken about as a new or emerging phenomenon, the practice of building portfolios that address environmental, social and governance concerns goes back to the late 19th century.
The Markets
Investing in a ‘Circular Economy’
A new report suggests investors should seek to better understand the concept of ‘resource intensity’ and pursue opportunities to reduce risks while improving global environmental outcomes.
The Markets
Finding the Intersection of ESG and Performance
Identifying companies with positive ratings is not enough, experts agree, as companies’ financial positions must also be considered.
As it has grown, the DCIO landscape has been evolving, and broader industry trends such as mergers and acquisitions and fee compression have been playing out among both DCIO-only providers and recordkeepers.
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