Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
July 10th, 2019
Dow, DuPont and Corteva Sued for Allegedly Ducking Pension Obligations
According to plaintiffs in a new ERISA lawsuit, the pension plan in question was underfunded by nearly $6 billion dollars when its assets and liabilities were transferred to a spinoff company. Read more >
High-Tech Meets High-Touch
James Lyday, managing director of Pensionmark Nashville, has what might be called an evolved view of technology. “I look at technology not as a replacement for me, but as a way to make me better as an adviser,” says Lyday, a 2019 PLANSPONSOR Retirement Plan Adviser of the Year finalist. Read more >
Timing Savings Options With a Raise Can Help With Financial Wellness
Seventy-five percent of workers said that if they were offered savings options at the time of a raise, they would be less stressed and more confident about their finances, according to a survey from Commonwealth. Read more >
A Precipitous Drop in ETF Flows
BlackRock and Vanguard ETFs still lead, but mutual funds eclipse them. Read more >
ICMA-RC’s Plan Health Monitor Provides Plan and Participant Readiness Analytics
Advisers can use the tool to help retirement plan sponsors make educated decisions about how to improve their plans. Read more >
Addressing Participant Longevity
Plan design and advice will both be key as retirees aim for age 100. Read more >
Market Mirror
Tuesday, the Dow was down 22.65 points (0.08%) at 26,783.49, the NASDAQ closed 43.35 points (0.54%) higher at 8,141.73, and the S&P 500 was up 3.68 points (0.12%) at 2,979.63. The Russell 2000 inched up 1.20 points (0.08%) to 1,562.59, and the Wilshire 5000 increased 56.78 points (0.19%) to 30,654.92. The prices of the 10-year Treasury note and 30-year Treasury bond each were down 1/32, increasing their yields to 2.063% and 2.539%, respectively.
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