Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
June 26th, 2019

The Cost of Advising One’s Own Plan

As an adviser, the receipt of a fee for services to your own retirement plan is technically a prohibited transaction. However, you can avoid a prohibited transaction by providing the services to the plan without charge. Read more >
Fog Still Hangs Over Defunct DOL Fiduciary Rule’s Influence
By the time the 5th Circuit vacated the DOL fiduciary rule expansion last year, advisory and brokerage firms had spent many millions of dollars to comply with the rule. Congressional Democrats want to know more about what’s happened since. Read more >
Sizing Up the Top 10 DCIO Providers
The 2019 PLANADVISER Defined Contribution Investment Only (DCIO) compares top providers by total assets, biggest funds, number of target-date series, growth rate and more. Read more >
Learning the Medicare Alphabet Is a Must for Modern Advisers
Do you know the difference between Medicare Parts A and B? What About Parts C and D? Read more >
Sponsored message from Capital Group
How a target date fund stayed the course
See how the American Funds Target Date Retirement Series® has delivered in multiple markets. SEE HOW Read more >
Americans Not Up to Speed on Rollovers
Forty-two percent don’t even know it is possible to keep assets in a plan once one leaves an employer. Read more >
High-Tech Meets High-Touch
How advisers blend technology and coaching to engage plan participants. Read more >
Service Estimates Longevity for Pension Plan Sponsors
Club Vita looks at zip codes and other characteristics of the participants in DB plans to estimate longevity risk. Read more >
Sponsored message from Capital Group
How a target date fund stayed the course
See how the American Funds Target Date Retirement Series® has delivered in multiple markets. SEE HOW Read more >
Market Mirror
Tuesday, the Dow lost 179.32 points (0.67%) to finish at 26,548.22, the NASDAQ closed 120.98 points (1.51%) lower at 7,884.72, and the S&P 500 decreased 27.97 points (0.95%) to 2,917.38. The Russell 2000 was down 9.05 points (0.59%) at 1,521.04, and the Wilshire 5000 fell 289.11 points (0.96%) to 29,927.17. The price of the 10-year Treasury note was up 3/32, decreasing its yield to 1.994%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond increased 25/32, bringing its yield down to 2.530%.
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