Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
June 22nd, 2015
Fiduciary Rule Grilled on Capitol Hill
Labor Secretary Perez was just about the only witness called to a recent Congressional hearing to actually defend the DOL’s fiduciary redefinition effort. Both supporters and detractors of the fiduciary rule believe individual investors and retirement savers need additional protections—they just disagree about who participants need protection from. Read more >
2015 Participant Survey
PLANADVISER checks in with workers on the path to retirement—finding more than three in four (76%) report at least “mild” financial stress in their lives, including 48% citing “moderate” or “severe” anxiety about financial topics. Our interactive research results can help inform advisers’ understanding of clients and prospects across business models and market segments.  Read more >
Lightening the Burden of Success
As the advisory industry faces down new technology and client service challenges, a few themes remain as true today as they were in earlier periods. Chief among those themes, according to Sam Ushio at Russell Investments: Advisers typically don’t have a good handle on the value of their organization’s time, leading to less-than-optimal decisionmaking that stalls or even stymies practice growth. Read more >
Non-ERISA 403(b)s Off the Regulatory Radar
If anyone is harmed by the absence of regulatory scrutiny for non-ERISA 403(b) plans, it’s the participants themselves, experts say, and fees are the reason.  Read more >
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Streamline the Target-Date Fund Selection Process
Help plan sponsors choose the right target-date series for their plan needs. The free target-date analyzer from the Principal Financial Group uses independent data from Morningstar to help streamline the process. Follow the link to learn more.  Read more >
When Procurement Is Involved in the RFP Process
Procurement departments can help with the efficiency of the RFP process, but they shouldn’t just be left to their own devices. One problem is that procurement departments do not generally have expertise in investing or ERISA matters, so if a company requires new service agreements to flow through this department, education is needed. Read more >
Plan Sponsors Should Be Encouraged to Use Auto-Features
A recent survey looked at the reasons more retirement plan sponsors do not use automatic plan features. While there are legitimate reasons some sponsors choose not to use outcome-boosting features like automatic enrollment and recurring deferral escalations, hesitancy is often based on unsupported our outdated beliefs about participant preferences.  Read more >
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