Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
June 6th, 2019
SEC Votes in Approval of Final Regulation Best Interest, Form CRS
The Securities and Exchange Commission under President Donald Trump has settled on a disclosure-based approach to policing conflicts of interest in the retail investment marketplace; the securities regulator also published an updated interpretation of key sections of the Advisers Act. Read more >
Supreme Court to Hear IBM Stock-Drop Case
IBM asked the Supreme Court to answer “whether Fifth Third’s ‘more harm than good’ pleading standard can be satisfied by generalized allegations that the harm of an inevitable disclosure of an alleged fraud generally increases over time.” Read more >
Many Admit They’d Take on Debt to Finance Their Child’s Education
Most Americans, 56%, report being willing to incur debt to pay for their children’s college education, Country Financial learned in a survey. On average, individuals say they would take on $31,000; for men, this is $35,000 and for women, $27,000. Read more >
Interest Picks Up in Student Loan Repayment Programs
Yet, it’s important to first gauge employees’ interest in such programs, a Willis Towers Watson expert says. Read more >
Fidelity TDF Fees Rival Vanguard’s After Reductions
With its fee reduction, 21 of the 22 Fidelity Freedom Index Funds will have total net expenses lower than comparable Vanguard index target-date funds, Fidelity says. Read more >
Market Mirror
Wednesday, the Dow rose 207.39 points (0.82%) to 25,539.58, the NASDAQ gained 48.36 points (0.64%) to close at 7,575.48, and the S&P 500 was up by 22.88 points (0.82%) to 2,826.15. The Russell 2000 dipped by 1.77 points (0.12%) to finish at 1,506.70, and the Wilshire 5000 gained 196.25 points (0.68%) for a 29,101.17 close. The price of the 10-year Treasury Note was up 1/32, bringing its yield down to 2.119%, and the 30-year Treasury Bond was down 27/32, increasing its yield to 2.638%.
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