Newsdash Insight on Plan Design & Investment Strategy from PLANSPONSOR
April 17th, 2019

If I Had a Million Dollars

One million seems like a massive sum of money, but when it comes to retirement, we know those who have that amount aren’t traditionally rich, per se. The purchasing power of $1 million, given a 4% drawdown rate over 25 years, provides an annual “income” or “salary” of $40,000. Read more >
New Jersey Latest State to Issue Fiduciary Regulations
Brokers who were happy to see a federal-level uniform fiduciary rule rejected by an appeals court last year may now be rethinking their stance as a patchwork of state-level rules comes to the fore. Read more >
State-Based Fiduciary Standards
Even before the Department of Labor signaled under President Donald Trump that it would not be defending the Obama-era DOL fiduciary rule expansion—which was vacated in mid-2018 by a U.S. circuit court—a number of state governments had already begun the process of implementing their own conflict-of-interest rules.  Read more >
Largest DB Plans Move to Fixed Income and Continues to De-Risk
During 2018, the $20 billion club shifted asset allocations significantly away from risky assets and into fixed income, Russell Investments found. Read more >
Unrelated Taxable Income and Pensions
Plan fiduciaries, plan advisers and investment fund managers may not be aware that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, enacted a year ago December, made major changes to the Internal Revenue Code provisions affecting unrelated business taxable income.  Read more >
CUNA Mutual Offers Financial Fitness to Retirement Plan Participants
It is available for all plan participants through CUNA Mutual Retirement Solutions’ BenefitsForYou website, and there is no cost to participants or plan sponsors. Read more >
Market Mirror
Tuesday, the Dow gained 67.89 points (0.26%) to finish at 26,452.66, the NASDAQ climbed 24.21 points (0.30%) to 8,000.23, and the S&P 500 was up 1.48 points (0.05%) at 2,907.06. The Russell 2000 closed 3.62 points (0.23%) higher at 1,582.79, and the Wilshire 5000 increased 17.08 points (0.06%) to 30,047.63. The price of the 10-year Treasury note decreased 10/32, bringing its yield up to 2.590%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond fell 14/32, increasing its yield to 2.991%.
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