Skilled retirement plan advisers know there are many variables that go into target savings and target withdrawal rates. Four percent annual withdrawals from a defensively positioned portfolio may be a good starting point, but in reality, such a simple approach will not work for everyone. Collected below are some recent articles exploring the topic of income in retirement. Providers and plan sponsors are innovating in this area, and advisers must keep up with a shifting set of products, regulations and client demands.
An individual’s investment allocation is a big factor to consider when deciding a proper optimal withdrawal rate of savings in retirement, but there are many other factors to consider as well.
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In a Q&A with BlackRock Managing Director Anne Ackerley, PLANADVISER hears about emerging opportunities to deliver retirement income solutions to DC plan participants, including through TDFs.
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Nearly all of those who work with an adviser feel they have prepared themselves well for estimating their monthly income needs in retirement, Voya Financial learned in a survey.
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Based on the results of a new CANNEX study, advisers who are looking to provide clients with guaranteed income should seriously consider both income annuities and savings annuity contracts that offer GLWBs.
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The proposal is intended to help investors better understand these contracts’ features, fees and risks, and to more easily find the information needed to make an informed investment decision.
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