Sponsored message from T. Rowe Price |
A Different Perspective on Sequence-of-Returns Risk Around Retirement |
Investors may have different retirement objectives, resulting in different risk priorities. One factor that often receives significant attention is sequence-of-returns (SoR) risk. This analysis evaluates the impact of SoR risk on target date investing.
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Compliance Consult: Lost Participants |
The first challenge that plan sponsors and their service providers face when dealing with lost participant issues is identifying who is lost. Plan fiduciaries generally find that participants fall into two categories: 1) participants to whom the plan sends a written communication and the communication is returned as undeliverable, and 2) participants to whom the plan sends a communication requiring an affirmative response or an action by the participant.
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Participants Report Being Knowledgeable About Retirement Plans |
Simple participant education ideas can make a great impact, according to Vestwell; after hearing one Investopedia statistic about the benefit of saving early, 21.7% of respondents said they plan to increase their retirement plan contribution.
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Market Mirror |
Tuesday, the Dow was down 13.02 points (0.05%) at 25,806.63, the NASDAQ slipped 1.21 points (0.02%) to 7,576.36, and the S&P 500 decreased 3.16 points (0.11%) to 2.789.65. The Russell 2000 lost 7.15 points (0.45%) to finish at 1,568.28, and the Wilshire 5000 closed 40.14 points (0.14%) lower at 28,923.03.
The price of the 10-yesr Treasury note was down 1/32, increasing its yield to 2.726%. The price of the 30-year Treasury bond was up 4/32, decreasing its yield to 3.086%.